Multilevel 1.9 PDA

6. The Future of Multilevel

The development of Multilevel is far from being complete, although most of the important features have already been implemented. The collection of real extrem exposure dive profiles will continue and finally lead to a good empirical basis for user-oriented modifications of the algorithm.

HFGOK-member Michael Ruess has been successful in using Multilevel on his handheld PC under Windows Mobile.
However, the unbeaten champion is the Sharp "Zaurus" SL-5500 which is a robust and powerful Linux/Java PDA which I am currently using for most of my rough field trips.
Other platforms are currently being tested - the smaller the better.

I am interested in obtaining suggestions for an improvement of Multilevel.

Please send me reports of dives which resulted in DCI, if possible by adding a Datatrak dive profile. The data will be kept 100 % safe and confidential (I am an M.D. and I know what confidentiality means). You don't have to send your name and address. Just use an alias e-mail provider like or Please help me to make Multilevel a safer tool for the extreme exposure diving community. My main interest is the improvement of decompression procedures not to make a lot of money with this software. To fund the further development of Multilevel I have currently switched from a fee-based approach to ad-based funding of web-site expenses. I thank you for your support!

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